Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sewing 101 Project

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, I have totally lost my inspiration this is true. I have been cooking lunches and dinners and staying as organized as possible. Haven't been biking (except Saturdays with small group) or swimming. I just can't seem to get out of bed at all until the last minute. Its driving me crazy but obviously not enough to actually change my behavior yet! Damnit!!
     I did a Sewing 101 class last week and wanted to share the pictures of what we made. It was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to learning how to sew with more lessons. It is a sewing kit. Not sure what gets made in Sewing 102 but I will find out ( pillow cases I think). I also did class #3 of 6 in pottery. Last night we made a vase. I needed help of course but I really loved the way it turned out!
     I hope you are doing something productive and send me some inspiration for crying out loud. I need some terribly!! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Off On The Organized Foot

Greetings and Salutations,
     I am ready for the work week damnit. LOL. I have to put Chicken Tetrazzini in the oven. I have salads ready for the week. I have coffee ready to be popped into the maker for the week. I have clean uniforms (still need to iron them). I did Second Sunday on King Street for several hours today and loved it as usual.  http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/charleston/second-sundays-on-king-street/Event?oid=2342609 What a great relaxing time I had! Lots of people watching and enjoying what my city has to offer. The house is fairly clean and I can live with it. Would like to have it cleaner, but the again I would love to be on holiday in Bora Bora and that isn't gonna happen either. Just Sayin'.
     The pool is closed tomorrow so the plan is bed by 2130-2200. Hampton Park for 10 miles at 0700. I plan to juice before the ride. Then a great breakfast, shower, and possibly even dare I say the "M" word? (makeup) LOL. I did acupuncture today and I am feeling alot more centered and hope that builds by tomorrow and lasts the week. One can hope.
     The holiday season challenge is upon me and I can feel it. I can feel it starting to push down on me and I will push back with all I have. I will battle through this first holiday season without my mom and will do the very best I can. I'll set myself up for as much success as possible. Organization, yoga, acupuncture and prayer will be amongst my arsenal. I always feel better when I am organized. I also feel better when I workout. This Sunday is marked down as a success. I will take each day as it comes.
     I want to leave you with a card someone gave me after my mother died and I will use these words as strength to draw from in the coming days that will no doubt test my endurance and ability to cope with profound loss and sadness in a season that both she and I cherish:
    "I was lucky enough to meet your mother once but I didn't get to know her. But I am fortunate to know you. A parent's desire is that they leave a legacy for the world to see that they actually existed. That they were able to make a noticeable ripple in this world. Your mother's legacy is YOU. Your kindness, your tireless effort to see fairness and justice for others, who doesn't let mistakes define her, whose hands have created beauty from petals and seeds, who has the patience of Job, and who enjoys classics and love stories. You are the window into the woman your mother was. You represent her life and memory well. Her ripple will be felt with every step you make across the planet and with every word you speak. You carry her legacy on."

Tootles :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

OK So Its Two Weeks Laying Low

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well Hell's Bells. I have totally lost inspiration, perspiration, and motivation for a second week in a row. I did bike this past Saturday but that is all I had in me. It will all come back and I will be waiting on it. In the mean time I really feel rotten I haven't done anything. Oh well, some times your the windshield and some times your the bug. Hope to reset this weekend. I think its one of the things I dislike most about working Monday through Friday, I atleast not sure about others, feel I can only reset over the weekend, never mid week. Its most annoying.
     On a lighter note, I did my first of a 6 week pottery class where I made a bowl. It is way more difficult than I even suspected and I wasn't thinking it was gonna be easy. 4 other people in class. 3 were looking like pros out of the gate. One chick was struggling about as much as I was. I'm on the short bus and need to stop looking at everyone else's work. I plan to be the late bloomer of the class :)  Its alot of fun though! I look forward to the next one. And Sewing 101 is up in the que later this month!
     The plan is to take motivation hostage this weekend and keep'em all next week. How dare that bastard leave me for 2 whole weeks! LOL I guess its the way life goes right? The trick is to not abandon your goals when you lose your way. Cheers!

Tootles :)