Greetings and Salutations,
This is a real ad I came across last night surfing Craig's List out here. Seriously. I nearly peed myself laughing. He is asking $100/month for 10 sq ft! While this is nuts and cakes, it is one of the many things I love about being here. That something this crazy doesn't make me reject the difference between he and I.
We are all different outwardly expressed or not. While I don't get this guy's brain (thank goodness btw), there is enough room for us all on this planet. I can appreciate what I don't understand and it doesn't offend me or make me uncomfortable. Because it doesn't effect me personally.
The biggest take away I get from this is that he has procreated. Someone either lives with this guy or at the very least had sex with him. When I look into the mirror, and think about this ad, questions arise as to why I am still single and he isn't LOL. Have a great day and hope you atleast get a giggle out of this!
Tootles :)
For Rent: The space under my sink
I am renting the space underneath my kitchen sink. I will of course empty out the area and have included a photo with my stuff still stored there only to give a better idea of its capacity. It is clean, dark, odor free and relatively dry. I will allow you access to my kitchen M-F from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm PST so that you can get at your storage area without issue. I do ask that you do not store any animal, vegetable, mineral or sprits that are either alive or dead or dying. In addition I also ask that nothing explosive, flammable, caustic, products from protected or endangered species, weapons, Nazi memorabilia or Michael Jackson albums be stores in this area. I will not be held responsible if your storage area is compromised by my toddler or the teenage boy next door looking for old Playboy magazines as it is not a secure cabinet in any true meaning of the word. You may be able to get some sort of rider on your Homeowners insurance or bond to cover your belongings in the unfortunate event of their demise. Also, if my sink breaks and the storage area floods or food debris from my garbage disposal fills it inadvertently, I will contact you immediately so that you can remove all of your material from under my sink. You will of course be responsible for not only cleaning up the area but also for all repairs.
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