Monday, July 28, 2014

Git'r Done

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, I am finally ready to really dust off my white board (I have one set up in my den in a spot I see every day) and get some stuff done! I really don't have to dust it off. Since I moved in April alot has been accomplished but lately, I've been in a stall pattern. It's time to list things on the board in a way that greatly increases the speed in which they get done. As in git'r done! I have to make my goals SMART.
     I'm still a bit overwhelmed with the laundry list of things to do in my journey to make San Francisco my home. Things still don't feel secure and real. Its getting better and of course it hasn't been long since I moved out here. I have well established patience with my personal life is a work in progress at best.
    SMART goals (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-Time based) really do help if you have never tried them before. For me I think I need to amend this to SMART ASS goals (Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-Time based-And-Short n' Sweet) LOL.
    One of my biggest problems is that I make too many goals. This is just as problematic as not making any at all. Lately this has really caused grid lock with attaining success. It is adding to my overwhelmed state of mind because nothing is getting crossed off the list.
     So damnit I'm rolling up my sleeves and digging in. Its time to get a few monkey's off my back. With this in mind and the next two days off here is the game plan:

Tuesday 7/29/2014
(1) SLEEP IN (for the love of all that is sacred I am not getting up before 0900!)
(2)  Have secured parking place in The City by 12pm
(3) Go to paint store and decide once and for all on paint colors for apartment (3) and purchase bedroom color
After/If I do the above then The "B" List
(4) Prime bedroom walls
(5) Laundry

Wednesday 7/30/2014
(1) DMV: obtain California Driver's Licence and register truck and get tags (this has been the entire zoo on my back)
(2) Paint Bedroom
(3) Clean apartment
(4) Call and check on new health insurance to see if I got accepted yet (premium is due 7/31 for current ins)
(5) Move truck to her new home (parking space 3 blocks away)
After/If I do the above The "B" list
(4) any stragglers from Tuesday--if all done- RELAX and be sure to mark it down as a mental personal win for a successful 2 days and less monkeys in my personal zoo!

     I think this will be a great start to getting some things off my list (aka my mind) and build some momentum that I have lost along the way. This list has been plaguing me for almost 2 months. I'm sick of the weight on my back. Its time to stop sitting around and get back to the path I was on before I left Charleston.
     I want to be on that path again. It was just starting to get good. It was just staring to feel like a life I really wanted. Pottery classes, sewing lessons, jewelry making classes, biking, swimming, and blogging regularly. These are the things I must do to get myself back on track. I just need to break it down in more bite size pieces. Something more than work, sleep, couch, anxiety--repeat.

Tootles :)

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