Greetings and Salutations
So this is my alter ego blog.. I have been thinking about a place that I can blog about what ever strikes my fancy at the moment.. A different structure than my current blog.. My success or failure of the day.. Maybe even just a feeling or thought to express in the moment.. And of course what ever else crosses this noggin' of mine.. I am still kinda new to the blogging world.. This October marks my one year anniversary when I put out my first words into the blogosphere and what a trip that was.. It wasn't too terribly long ago I didn't even know what the hell a blog was.. Now I find myself with two.. Funny where time can get you.. About a week ago I went to the library and found several books on creative writing and blogging.. Although it is dated 2004 (the one on blogging) and comes from alittle younger perspective than is applicable to me (such as how to avoid having your blog discovered by your mom or getting into trouble while blogging at work etc) it has given me the courage to be more interactive with and tweak the layout of my blogs.. This is my other blog --in a nutshell is about my journey to change my lifestyle to one that is fully engaged in living, not just existing.. There is some basic financial stuff thrown in for good measure.. Its intent is to make you think about where you are and where you want to be in life..I am amazed at just how much of a challenge it is to have a full life and make choices about how to spend my/your time and effort that feel good and benefit me/you in positive ways..
This is the current thought on my mind--weekday mornings and why they are so important to me.. First of all I have to say that getting up between 5 am and 6 am has been quite the journey and still is to accomplish on a regular basis.. It is so much easier now than it was when I first started out.. Hell I used to hit the snooze button and try to talk/command myself out of bed, only to wake up with the next alarm cycle and say "screw it" and adjust the alarm for hours more of sleep.. That went on for MONTHS.. I have finally discovered (early mornings) are one of the most under appreciated habits that I know of.. Funny thing is that you can't have an early morning when you go to bed late (imagine that).. So that means success of getting out of bed early begins with discipline and forethought to go to bed at an hour that will actually allow you to get up at 5 or 6 am and have plenty of sleep..
Here are some of the things I feel in the morning hours before work (as in 3-4 hours before I go in.. I know crazy right? If you only knew) happy, energized (once I am awake), creative, calm, positive, sensation of starting the day out right, rested, getting a head start on my day, "extra" time in my day, self satisfaction, the feeling of a day within a day.. Here are a few things I have time to actively do: prepare and have time for breakfast every day, exercise (goal is to bike 10 miles before work), yoga, meditate/pray, and plan for after work activities.. These are some of the things that you can feel/do when you utilize the hours before your day officially begins.. Remember it all starts with going to bed early.. That takes practice and organization in and of itself.. Start on one end or the other, your choice.. I used to work night shift and never in my wildest dreams did I figure myself for a day personality.. I am so happy I found myself here.. I have time to think.. I have time to read.. I have time to write.. Listen to music.. Blog.. Clean..The number of hours you chose to have is up to you.. What would your day feel like with consistent sleep and rising early to take on your day? What would you get accomplished in those early morning hours? I think the answer directly reflects what you desire out of life.. When you run on empty consistently, all you have time and energy to do is exist.. I don't know about you, but I am choosing (finally) to do more with my life than just "exist".. A fulfilled life takes hard work and sometimes challenging choices.. What are yours?
Tootles :)
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