Sunday, March 23, 2014

The POD Is Packed And Ready

Greetings and Salutations,
     I was one week off from my packing goal. Not too bad I think! Friday I was completely packed except 2 boxes (that I finished today) and a few loose items. I took the weekend off and had some fun. I still have taxes and a few other loose ends to wrap up. And yes-- I still need to wash the damn truck!
     Left to clean (other than baseboards and floors): 6 blinds, 6 windows inside/out, 6 windows just outside, and fridge. Fix-it man Tuesday for final repairs etc. Cleaning lady coming Tuesday to discuss future fees. She will complete my team I need to be a landlord. I have a fix-it man, painter, yard maintenance man, property manager, and cleaning person. Sweet.
     All the ceilings got painted. They look fantastic. Well worth the expense now. It was the first time in my life I have ever paid someone to paint. Mom and I always did that! I still have to take down the border and paint the dining room. I still feel a mixture of dread and openness to the experience.
     There is a Carolina Wren making a nest in the potted ivy on the front porch. It has been fun watching her go back and forth with the building materials. She is diligent and working very hard. I will leave that plant behind so she can have her babies.
     I have several bird families that have adopted me and come to my front porch every spring to nest. It can get quit loud out there! They also use the Boston Ferns but I don't have any hanging (yes I am considering buying some LOL). I will miss my little birdies. I sure hope a family (s) of birds finds me to adopt in San Francisco.
     Everything I wanted to take fit into the POD like a glove. It was amazing. I am proud of my mad packing skills. 10 years of travel nursing will do that for you I guess. So far the potential casualties are an office chair and the mirror for my dresser. I am thinking I will have room in truck but we will see. It isn't over until it is over LOL.
     I am on my final approach for time left in Charleston. I am equal parts happy and sad to leave. I think when I drive out of town I will be tearful. I will deeply miss all of my great friends. I think when I get onto I-10 in Jacksonville, Florida excitement will settle in. California will be straight ahead of me, give or take a few thousand miles :)
     It will take me back to 14 years ago in January 2000. Jacksonville was the beginning point of travel for my first assignment in Los Angeles. I find myself this time headed out to make California my new home. Instead of parts unknown, it will be parts well traveled and ready to make a new life for myself.
     I (almost) never dream about strangers. When I do I can't see their faces. I usually dream about people I know. Last night I dreamt I was buying a house with my husband/boyfriend. I was excited and happy in the dream that we were deciding on which one to choose and laughing together. Funny, I never saw his face.

Tootles :)

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