Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sewing 101 Project

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, I have totally lost my inspiration this is true. I have been cooking lunches and dinners and staying as organized as possible. Haven't been biking (except Saturdays with small group) or swimming. I just can't seem to get out of bed at all until the last minute. Its driving me crazy but obviously not enough to actually change my behavior yet! Damnit!!
     I did a Sewing 101 class last week and wanted to share the pictures of what we made. It was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to learning how to sew with more lessons. It is a sewing kit. Not sure what gets made in Sewing 102 but I will find out ( pillow cases I think). I also did class #3 of 6 in pottery. Last night we made a vase. I needed help of course but I really loved the way it turned out!
     I hope you are doing something productive and send me some inspiration for crying out loud. I need some terribly!! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Off On The Organized Foot

Greetings and Salutations,
     I am ready for the work week damnit. LOL. I have to put Chicken Tetrazzini in the oven. I have salads ready for the week. I have coffee ready to be popped into the maker for the week. I have clean uniforms (still need to iron them). I did Second Sunday on King Street for several hours today and loved it as usual.  http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/charleston/second-sundays-on-king-street/Event?oid=2342609 What a great relaxing time I had! Lots of people watching and enjoying what my city has to offer. The house is fairly clean and I can live with it. Would like to have it cleaner, but the again I would love to be on holiday in Bora Bora and that isn't gonna happen either. Just Sayin'.
     The pool is closed tomorrow so the plan is bed by 2130-2200. Hampton Park for 10 miles at 0700. I plan to juice before the ride. Then a great breakfast, shower, and possibly even dare I say the "M" word? (makeup) LOL. I did acupuncture today and I am feeling alot more centered and hope that builds by tomorrow and lasts the week. One can hope.
     The holiday season challenge is upon me and I can feel it. I can feel it starting to push down on me and I will push back with all I have. I will battle through this first holiday season without my mom and will do the very best I can. I'll set myself up for as much success as possible. Organization, yoga, acupuncture and prayer will be amongst my arsenal. I always feel better when I am organized. I also feel better when I workout. This Sunday is marked down as a success. I will take each day as it comes.
     I want to leave you with a card someone gave me after my mother died and I will use these words as strength to draw from in the coming days that will no doubt test my endurance and ability to cope with profound loss and sadness in a season that both she and I cherish:
    "I was lucky enough to meet your mother once but I didn't get to know her. But I am fortunate to know you. A parent's desire is that they leave a legacy for the world to see that they actually existed. That they were able to make a noticeable ripple in this world. Your mother's legacy is YOU. Your kindness, your tireless effort to see fairness and justice for others, who doesn't let mistakes define her, whose hands have created beauty from petals and seeds, who has the patience of Job, and who enjoys classics and love stories. You are the window into the woman your mother was. You represent her life and memory well. Her ripple will be felt with every step you make across the planet and with every word you speak. You carry her legacy on."

Tootles :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

OK So Its Two Weeks Laying Low

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well Hell's Bells. I have totally lost inspiration, perspiration, and motivation for a second week in a row. I did bike this past Saturday but that is all I had in me. It will all come back and I will be waiting on it. In the mean time I really feel rotten I haven't done anything. Oh well, some times your the windshield and some times your the bug. Hope to reset this weekend. I think its one of the things I dislike most about working Monday through Friday, I atleast not sure about others, feel I can only reset over the weekend, never mid week. Its most annoying.
     On a lighter note, I did my first of a 6 week pottery class where I made a bowl. It is way more difficult than I even suspected and I wasn't thinking it was gonna be easy. 4 other people in class. 3 were looking like pros out of the gate. One chick was struggling about as much as I was. I'm on the short bus and need to stop looking at everyone else's work. I plan to be the late bloomer of the class :)  Its alot of fun though! I look forward to the next one. And Sewing 101 is up in the que later this month!
     The plan is to take motivation hostage this weekend and keep'em all next week. How dare that bastard leave me for 2 whole weeks! LOL I guess its the way life goes right? The trick is to not abandon your goals when you lose your way. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This Week Laying Low

Greetings and Salutations,
     This week I am lying low on the bike rides waiting on the time change so I will have enough light to get my miles in like I want. I have had alot on my mind and will share those thoughts in the coming blogs. I plan to get to the pool tomorrow and Friday. I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves. I am trying to give myself permission to relax which is a difficult lesson for me to learn. Most of the time I am too goal oriented for my own good. Tonight looks like a Netflix night! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

I Did It I Did It!!

Greetings and Salutations,
     I did it! All 5 days I exercised! It was soooo hard to get out of bed this morning and get to the pool but I am super happy I did. I feel sooo much better for having kept the momentum going and accomplishing my goal. I have been after that goal for 3 solid months. I plan to do the same thing next week. I am still having trouble getting up as early as I need but I will continue to work on that. I think the time change will help me on biking days. Swim days are much easier since I'm not dependent on the sunlight to have access to the pool. Next week earlier to the park and 10 miles each biking time is the goal. This weekend I am going to get a blinky back reflector and that will make me more comfortable on the road.
     I am going to the Farmer's Market tomorrow and looking forward to getting fruits and veggies to juice with. The juice I made this morning really rocked! Looking forward to experimenting with all the combinations out there. Silly I know, but I have always wanted to buy from a Farmer's Market but never really have because I would not eat what I bought. Now I have a sure way to get it into my belly (Austin Powers accent).
     I have alot I want to accomplish for the weekend. I will go to bed early tonight so I can start the day with a 10 miles bike ride with the group from the bike shop, then go to the market with a friend. That should get my day started great! I hope you have a terrific weekend  and hope for anyone that is thinking about a goal to work towards, think about starting it next week. Even thinking about it seriously counts as work in my book. A goal has to start somewhere. Your mind is a great place to start. Make it happen! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Almost To My Goal

Greetings and Salutations,
     I made it 4 days this week! I can't believe it! I am one day away from my week's goal! I biked this morning for 5 miles. I HAVE to get out there and ready by 0700 so I have time to get 10 miles in and get home in time to get ready for work. No make up this morning but that is OK. I published my Life Cheerleader blog tonight so I got that done and I need to email a few people. I worked on my 4th quarter goals and should have those ready to go by tomorrow as well. I still need to cook and I hope to accomplish that tomorrow after swimming.
     I juiced tonight for the first time in my life! I made the Mean Green Juice (cucumber, apples, celery, lemon, and kale) and actually it was amazingly pretty good! I was truly surprised. Clean up was a snap as well. I plan to have spicy carrot juice tomorrow with breakfast. I seriously look forward to changing my eating habits and getting better nutrition with my juicer. I think its gonna be yet another positive layer in my life and support me in a great direction. I just drank more veggies in that 16oz' than I have had in 3 months!
     Please send me karma and prayers that I will get my butt out of bed tomorrow after a long work week. I have to say reflecting over my past 4 days I feel sooo much better today that I did last week. And I can also see I am on the right path working out the way I am. I am continuing to lose weight and feel physically and mentally better. I still have alot of changes before me but I am willing, open, and determined to make it happen slowly so permanent change will set in.
     Knowing I have had to report my activity has helped me get up this week and I am grateful for those of you that have been following my efforts. I hope you are thinking about making some of your own changes if you are in need of some. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Two-fer Report

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, my week is well underway and I have actually managed to workout 3 mornings in a row. I have to totally admit it was touch and go and I have to keep fingers and toes crossed for myself for the next 2 days. Yesterday I was missing an hour from my sleep so I got out of bed one hour later than I intended. However, I continued to move forward. I biked 5 miles and ran out of time to get ready for work (ie makeup) or work on my Life Cheerleader blog.
     I am learning it isn't about what you don't get done. It is about making a small manageable list and working with the flow of life. It is about continuing to move forward and picking up the pieces you missed as you go. It is easy to loose interest or momentum when you miss a few things on your list but moving forward is essential to overall success.
     For example, my intent was to do yoga and blog Tuesday morning. I ran out of time because making up the hour of sleep I lost and biking was more important that yoga or blogging. So when I got home before I went to bed, I took 30 minutes to work on my blog and did 20 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of meditation. It felt good I could still mark those things off my list for the day.
     Structure is key. Set a time frame and move on to the next thing when the time you have allotted for that particular task or event has expired. You will catch what you missed with the next batch of things. Maybe you finish a task early and can work on something that fell to the wayside previously.
     This morning I was tardy getting out of bed again but stuck with it. I swam 20 minutes and had enough time to get purdy for work with makeup. My co-workers about died to see makeup on me twice in one week. I think they think I have lost my mind. I didn't blog (this morning) but here I am now getting caught up. Have to do a few more things tomorrow to be back on task but over all I am stoked I exercised 3 days in a row. 3 times in a week has been easier to accomplish than 3 in a row.
     Tomorrow is biking and the goal is back to 10 miles. Cooking because I never cooked the other meals for dinner, and have to e-mail my personal goals for the last quarter of the year to a partner in crime. Hope you week is rocking and hope any goal you set for yourself is coming along nicely! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Strong Monday

Greetings and Salutations,
     I am happy to report a very busy and wonderful Monday morning. I woke up before my alarm (0504) and was in the pool at 0600. I have been really worn out when I swim for 30 minutes. Like go home and take a nap for an hour can't move worn out. So I backed off the time to 20 minutes and I swam really hard. It was the perfect time. I was challenged but without going beyond what my physical level is at this point. I'll add on the minutes as my endurance increases.
     I vacuumed den, dinning room, and my bedroom. I made casserole for lunches. I folded and put away a full load of clothes I had washed Sunday. I messaged a few people I needed to. I made breakfast and watched 30 minutes of educational/brain stuff on Netflix.
     As silly as this may sound for some I actually wore makeup to work and fixed my hair. I always want to do it and I never do. I always feel better when I go in taking time to look nice. Its always a low priority for me when going to work. I hope to make it to my high priority list soon.
     I am tired and ready for bed. Hope I can read a page or two out of my book before sleep over takes me. I feel good about my day and what I accomplished before work. I feel better inside. I feel my best when I am on task and living my life in a manner of intent, not laziness. When I stay on track to get the things accomplished in a day that keeps my life in order and a sense of calm.
     On the books tomorrow: work on my Life Cheerleader blog, yoga, and biking. 10 miles is the goal but I haven't biked in 2 weeks so minimum will be 5 miles. I hope tomorrow is as good as today. Cheers to you and any effort of change or pursuit you may have!

Tootles :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Evening Looking Good

Greetings and Salutations,
     Hi and hope you are all well. I am back at it and determined again to accomplish my weekly physical goals of swimming and bike riding. I have had a two week case of the blues. Pooey! I have got to get my sweat on so I can get back to my goals. Grief is an amazing thing and very challenging. Its time to re-engage my life.
     I have salads prepared and plan to cook pork chop casserole tomorrow after a 30 minute swim. I have all my laundry done and uniforms ready for the week. Kitchen is clean and dishes done. Den clean and dining room table (aka office space) organized and straightened up.
     I did my first jewelry making class and it was really fun! I look forward to making more. I started getting supplies. Wow there are so many choices! Very easy to get overwhelmed with all that is out there but it is a great creative outlet and I think I did a good job my first time out of the gate!! I look forward to getting a good setup going and let me creativity fly. Next Month is a 6 week pottery class and Sewing 101.
     What are your goals this week? When was the last time you thought about something you could do to bring you closer to a personal goal you have been thinking or dreaming about? Can you think of even one thing you could try to do this week that would bring you closer to that goal or dream? Cheers to your effort!

Tootles :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bucket List Is Getting Some Action

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, I give myself a D since I only got to the pool once this week. Once is better than nothing which is why you don't see an F. By Thursday I finally conceded that I needed more sleep than anything else. I have been grieving again as I have mentioned and while I have been outwardly OK I have been inwardly depressed.
      Sometimes it takes a minute to realize, even when you are paying what you think is close attention, that your needs have changed. I tend to get my eye set on a goal and forget that some times other things come up that require alterations in your path. Sleep and about 10 hours of it each night is what I needed this week. I feel better for realizing it and responding to it. I feel charged and ready for the weekend.
     I cut out of work early today and got a haircut. Then I went to http://www.spacecraftstudios.com/ Space Craft and signed up for #1 class: Sewing 101 (November) and #2 Class: Intro to making wire jewelry (next week). Two things I have been wanting to do for just about forever.
      I got a bee in my bonnet to get off my duff and get some things rolling in the evenings. It will limit my time foraging around the internet and give me a creative outlet that I really want and need. Next week I'm also going to sign up for pottery classes
 http://www.fireandearthpottery.com/  Fire and Earth Pottery. They have a 6 week class coming up but they also do one on one for close to the same price. I am not sure which one I will do first. Maybe the group class.
     So while I didn't get my lap or sweat on much at all this week, I was busy getting my heart healing on and figuring things out in my head. Guess I could say I was getting my smoke on from all the thinking and my warm vibe on coming from the self love I am learning.
     I am pretty good at taking care of other people but I am just beginning to learn how to take good care of myself. Its a slippery slope but I won't stop until it is second nature. The pathway in life is full of twists and turns. It never ceases to amaze and entertain me. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Its why you have to come back every day and try again. Light will reveal itself if you are patient enough and work hard to see it. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Two Day Catch Up

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, lets see. Tuesday I willed myself out of bed and was in the pool by 0630. I swam my hiney off for 30 minutes with no more than a quick few seconds break to catch my breath when I needed to. Did a total of 8 laps freestyle (with others). I'm telling you that method of swimming is gonna kill me :) I obviously swam hard enough that I came home and immediately crashed on the couch and slept until 0845! Now that is a great workout! I could tell maybe a smidgen that it was alittle easier. It was nice I didn't require a break! I did not cook nor clean as planned since I lost the battle to gravity and slept.
     Wednesday morning I didn't workout but I did cook my dinners for the rest of the week. All the books I read say you are not supposed to think like this, but I just have to say it. There aren't enough hours in the day for all the things I want to achieve. Time management mastery is gonna follow me to the grave. I can only hope if I don't give up I'll eventually win the battle. I'm getting better though. That is for sure! Tomorrow I will be torn between swimming and my bike. I look forward to the sun rising earlier so I can get out at Hampton earlier. Maybe I can bike then swim! Funny how priorities change huh?
     I want to have a holiday party this year and will see what I can plan. Will help keep the season cheerful and give me something to look forward to. I know this blog hasn't been about anything life shattering but I really appreciate the opportunity to have someone to be countable to. It helped get me to the pool Tuesday and in the kitchen this morning. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pool Tomorrow

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, this week starts off as a mixed bag. I got coffee, lunches, and salads all ready for the week (check). I got uniforms all clean and ironed (check). Still need to make one more receipt so I will have dinners covered too (-1 demerit). I had all of the best intentions and then my sadness came out as anger and it got the best of me last night (oops). I got pissed at my alarm clock and tried to smash it into a million pieces. Instead I took a chunk out of my hardwood floor. I had a great cry and exhausted myself to sleep after blubbering on the phone to two of my friends until late into the night.
     So today my plan is sleep and try again tomorrow. I want to swim. I want to cook the other receipt so I will have dinners ready for rest of week. I had a good weekend before the meltdown and was very happy with what all I managed. Hell, after getting food poisoning last week, I kept feeling better, then sick again. Better then sick again. Saturday is when I finally felt what ever was lingering in my body to really be gone.
     So tomorrow the plan is straighten up some around the house and in the pool 0600 no later than 0630. Home then cook. I can do it- I can do it- I can do it. Here's to a stiff upper lip when what you really want to do is pull the curtains, close the door, turn the phone off, turn the fan on, and sleep. I have 4 days to redeem Monday. I can do it. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Glad This Week Is Over!

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well yesterday biking won. I only did 5 miles but it was nice. I biked a nice 10-11 mph pace and guess I gotta get some momentum back up. My biking shorts fit different for sure! I feel back to normal but kinda drained when I try to push myself. I left the house at 0640 and waiting for the sun to come up. Even caught a quick 10 minute cat nap waiting. I think the food poisoning took more out of me than I realized. One minute I feel great and the next, not so much.
     One funny thing I have noticed about getting out early. At Hampton Park and at the pool, its mostly elderly people exercising in the early mornings. This is the peak time when they come out. Guess same as me its when they feel alive and at their best!
     So this morning I slept another 10 hours. I was doing fine until Wednesday when I had yogurt for an afternoon snack. Totally jacked my stomach up again for 2 days damnit! Had to take Imodium again last night and TMI withstanding I hope to get straight by the weekend. I don't have time for this crap! (hee hee) Oh well, atleast I got something in this week of my physical goals even if it was only once! Have a great weekend and I will be here Sunday with a re-do for the week!! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finally Feel Back To 100%

Greetings and Salutations
     So I guess I needed more sleep than I thought, as last night I crashed for 10 hours (945p-745a). There for I didn't do anything physical this morning. Today I am happy to report that I am feeling even better than I did yesterday and I am at 100%! I am not sure which I will do tomorrow as I miss both swimming and my bike. I think I will swim since I can get into the pool starting at 0600 and I have to wait for the sun to rise to bike.
     I have some catching up to do this weekend and looking forward to getting things struck off my list. I actually hope I can build on the weight I lost over the weekend. Wonder if my suit will feel any different? Anyway, not the real point of anything. I hate that I lost the momentum this week as I was really looking forward to another full week of physical stuff before work. Oh well, what can you do right? Roll with it baby (as sung by Steve Winwood) is my choice. Tomorrow is always another day to get it right until I run out of tomorrows. Cheers!

Tootles :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Got Sidetracked By Food Poisoning

Greetings and Salutations,
     Sorry to be late. I was just about killed by food poisoning Saturday night while out of town. Was too weak to drive back home until today. Came home, changed clothes and went straight to work. I am gonna take one more day off to fully recover and start up Wednesday! Hope you are having a great week and back on tract for me ASAP! Hey atleast I lost a few more pounds! That bathing suit will look a tiny bit better!

Tootles :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Nothing Like Self Sabotage...Day #5

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well hells bells. How could I even continue to be under the delusion that I can go to bed at 1120 and get up at the ass crack of dawn with energy to exercise? Oh, I'm human-- note to self I need to fix that :) I guess it was a necessary evil as I was talking with my sister and it really was a great, thought provoking conversation.
     Part of the reason I have been blogging about my physical efforts this week was to increase my accountability and I feel I achieved that goal. I definitely have felt the positive push of knowing I have to report my activity or lack there of. I plan to do this again next week.
     I love the routine I have chosen for myself and I will stick with it. I will revisit the break I took Wed and see if I need to do that again. Maybe 4 days a week is the sweet spot to stay and feel balanced. That is the center of my journey- balance. I want what ever it is that I do to have the maximum amount of balance possible. That is through a never ending array of choices that either have a positive or negative consequence to the harmony I seek.
     My sleep pattern is a great small example. When I don't get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible, other parts of my "balance" suffer. I don't get up on time. I don't exercise in the morning when I feel my best. I don't feel my best because I am tired. And on and on goes the domino effect. My decision(s) to step away from what works and lack of focus costs me. The closer I stay to that line, the more balanced I am and that equates to the happier I feel. The more energy I have. Its that simple. And yet at the same time its that difficult.
     I will blog again Sunday and see how I start the week out, hopefully well organized and on the right foot. I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy what ever activities you chose to participate in! Cheers!

Tootles :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 4 Total Success

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, here I am at Day #4 and I have no longer have any guilt about taking a break yesterday even if I didn't originally plan it. Often things have a way working out on their own if you let them. My arm hurts less today. I got 7hr 44mins sleep and only hit the snooze x1. I feel rested. I did 30 mins hard time in the pool. 15 minutes continuous before a 1-2 min break. Did freestyle x2 laps (not in a row) each 15 minute segment. Finished in the pool with x2 laps continuous freestyle. I will end each session with freestyle and add laps as my stamina increases. I am swimming breast stroke, with just my arms no legs, and with just legs no arms. I can feel different muscle groups being activated when I do this.
     I came home, and popped in my yoga video. I gotta say I have only done this one once or twice and I wasn't thrilled to do it this morning. Once I got started I realized that hey, I really do like this routine and hey, I really do like the sound of this dudes voice.http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/AM-and-PM-Yoga-7074?gclid=CI6uydiL6bkCFVNo7AodDEoAxA I guess it is a testament that it takes a few times, even once, for you to get acclimated to something new. This is why I always try to try things more than once. It is our natural proclivity to be resistant to new experiences. Unfamiliar experiences innately raise anxiety in us because we like predictability as humans. Some people have mastered this better than others. I believe it gives you an edge in life to be aware of this and always challenge yourself. Even for as open minded and aware of this I am and my willingness to try things, I get into my comfort zone as well.
     I followed up yoga with the next natural thing- meditation. 5 minutes in a variation of supported fish. (I do this without the props). http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/663. I feel ready for the day and have reinforced how great it feels to do yoga. I can incorporate yoga at home to meet my stretch and inner peace needs that yoga provides for me without going to a studio. I have practiced enough in a class that I know how to make the poses work for me and my ability. I really feel fantastic! Even Murphy has been getting into the action with me this week!

Tootles :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Physical Challenge Day 3

Greetings and Salutations,
     Well, I was a bad girl. I went to bed at 1030 and absolutely could not get up this morning at 0500 or 0600 or even 0700. I crawled out of bed at 0715 and did the walk of shame into the den and blogged about day 2. I will have to say that after 8hrs 30mins of sleep I feel more rested today than the past 2 days. I am an 8 hour sleep girl and when I short cut that, even to 7 hours I feel the difference. Silly I know but it is the way I am today. Oh well, moving forward I decided maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to give my body a rest. My right forearm hurts bad enough that I can't use the stapler at work without major pain. The last thing I need is tendinitis in any arm, let alone my dominant one. I have to listen to my body and not injure myself.
     So I decided to utilize this time to catch up on my blogging and give myself permission to rest. That is something I struggle with but starting to see some improvement. And after all, this is a journey and you plan one thing and other things happen. It is what you do with the unplanned things that really count. Wouldn't it be a boring life if everything you planned to do you did 100% of the time without fail? Then we would be a robot and not human. I'll gladly take the failures with successes and the long and winding road that is before me.
     I will report that I do miss the morning swim I slept through and will be happy to get into the pool come Friday. Overall I feel good about the choices I have made this week and I am grateful I can do these things in the morning when I feel my best before work. Tonight I have to get out my weekly blog as I am tardy with that again!

Tootles :)

Tuesday Day 2

Greetings and Salutations
     Well, I got 7 hours 30 minutes of sleep. A bit slow to wake up and seriously considering I am always gonna feel old and chronically tired! After a quick pity-party and more oxygen to my brain (Ok, and coffee I admit) I was feeling pretty good. While I can sleep though the fan being off, it does make me aware of my slacker status when I wake up (hitting the snooze for the billionth time) and know I should be up. So glad I thought to reset that timer! It has been a silly source of frustration for months! What an easy fix!
     One "note to self" as I was getting ready to go biking- maybe hold off on the second cup of coffee :)  I got to Hampton Park and on my bike by 0720. Made a mental note to leave the house earlier so I can be poised and ready to roll when it is light enough to feel comfortable on the road. I want to maximize my time so I can get back home without jamming myself to hurry to eat, shower, and get out the door.
     A note about biking. I really love it. I love the wind, I love Hampton Park, and I love to listen to music and think about things while I am on the road. It is such an unexpected joy I have discovered for myself. I do wish I had friends that bike. Like all things, it is better with a partner. When I bike with a friend I feel like I could go 100 miles. Ok, maybe 15 but you know what I'm sayin'.
     I forgot to do yoga and decided instead of cramming it in because it was on the "list" I would move forward and be sure to do it Friday. I had a nice breakfast and got ready for work with just enough time. I hope after several weeks of this consistently I will increase my energy even more.
     I look forward to a full overhaul of my diet, but that is in the coming weeks. I am actually amazed at how excited I am getting because for the longest time food in general has been my kryptonite. Not so much as a weight issue but because I don't particularly like to cook for myself. Eating healthy takes alot more effort than eating the crap I do. I eat a ton of processed and canned food. Planning meals has been very unappealing to me. Thinking about food in general has been a pain in my pa-too-ka. Anyway, much more thoughts on that to come!

Tootles :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Morning Day 1 of Challenge

Greetings and Salutations
     Well here is the skinny: Up at 0504 (hit the snooze once but I got up before it went off). Tip of the day: When in doubt reset programmable timers. So far my timer I have connected to my fan to make the room less cozy when it is time to wake up works now that I cleared the history and started over. Sweet! I was in the water and swimming by 0610 and swam for a full 30 minutes. My nose clip worked perfect. The chlorine was really giving me headaches and hurting my nasal passages (my allergies keeps my nose/sinuses inflamed) Swim cap worked good too. Hair wasn't totally soaked and best of all not in my way. Overall I felt really great in the water. Breaks were few and minimal. I'm sticking mostly with breast stroke as freestyle is a bit much for me but I did do it 3 laps one at a time. I'll get there.
     Then I changed clothes and played tennis for 45 minutes. I lost 6 balls over the wall and was supposed to have access to a gate that opened onto the field. Not so much this time. I hate I lost that many balls. I will have to go back to other court so when I pitch one over the fence I can easily retrieve it! I have to admit that I am wiped out from swimming and that it took way more out of me then I thought it would. I gave it my all on the court but I could tell there wasn't as much as there usually is to give. I'm gonna highly consider more time in the pool first before I layer tennis behind it. I mean after all,  today was 3rd time in a pool in years and 3rd time ever to swim for exercise not recreation. Its gonna take this chick a second to get her body caught up with her mind!
     I slept 7 hours and need to get to bed now! Tomorrow's agenda is yoga (at home) and biking. Good night!

Tootles :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Evening Prep Time

Greetings and Salutations
     So I have made lunches and dinners for the week. I have 5 salads prepped and ready to go. I have 5 containers with small handful of nuts and 2 squares of dark chocolate (staves off sweet tooth to feed it just a touch) 5 containers with small amount of granola to mix with Greek yogurt. Last of my grapes (2 containers). I have salad chopped for eating at home as well. I have coffee in the filters (5) in an air tight container ready to be popped into coffee maker. I have things set out for breakfast in morning to save time and be as efficient as possible. I have brushed my teeth and washed/toned/and moisturized face.
     These are the things that make me feel organized and ready for the week. That make me feel like I am stepping out on the right foot. It makes me feel good about myself. I am ready for bed on time. Cooking and prep took about 2 hours of my evening including the clean up.
     Now I am going to read and decompress and get ready for my week. I am excited about my personal challenges even though it makes me kinda nervous to put it out there like I have. My curiosity is too much. I want see the amount of push I get by being accountable to someone, even if it is just cyber space-- the blogosphere I guess more correctly put. I thank anyone that follows me along the week!

Tootles :)

Day #3 Pool Day A Bust

Greetings and Salutations
     Well, I trotted off to the pool yesterday around 3p only to find the doors locked. Closed until Monday Boo! So I changed gears (and clothes) and went biking at Hampton Park instead. Ended up biking 11.5 miles (goal was 10). Second half after a break was much slower than usual but I stuck with it and did it!
     Monday I will be excited to purchase a swim pass for the year. I feel like I am investing in myself. Plus the cost is only $12.30 a month when you divide it out (only $6.15 if you are a city resident). That is low cost entertainment!
       So here is the activity line up this week and we shall see how it all unfolds. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday-- in the pool at 6am. Swim for 30 minutes (goal- 1 hour). At 7am on the courts to play tennis on the backboard and practice my serve for an hour.
     Tuesday, Thursday, and the weekend day of my choice-- Yoga at home for half an hour, followed by biking for an hour and hoping to exceed my 10 mile baseline. 15 miles in the same amount of time I do 10 miles now is my goal.
     This is the week of goals I have set for myself and I'm excited to see how I do. I feel really charged up and ready to take on the week! But first I need to get my butt to the grocery store so I can make lunches and dinners for the week! Gotta have fuel for all this activity! Food is the next major change I will work on, but after I make this week look like my life without thinking about it. Slow and steady makes the lifestyle changes permanent! I have to admit I am actually excited about the food journey before me and what great changes in food choices are ahead of me! Have a fantastic week!

Tootles :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day #2 In The Pool

Greetings and Salutations
     Well I wasn't sure it was gonna happen yesterday morning. I hit the snooze a million times. No good excuse other than mental exhaustion-- I was pooped! After a good talk and scolding of myself to myself, I managed to get out of bed at 0720. I closed my eyes while standing in the bathroom and forced myself to put my suit on. After that, it was easy. I was in the pool by 0755 and I swam for 25 minutes with fewer breaks this time. I lucked up and bought some rocking goggles and I can't tell you the difference they made. I was MUCH more comfortable. I paid for a single visit again as I wanted to really feel if this was something that I am willing to take on as part of my lifestyle. Once I got into the water and started swimming I got the feeling I was hoping for. This is something that really feels good and I like it. The pool is closed Friday so it will wait until Monday, and I will join for the year. I felt really good about myself knowing that I didn't cave to the million excuses I could have thought of to not go. First and foremost that I got out of bed hours later than my intention. I bought a swim cap and nose clip last night and look forward to seeing how it feels all together in the water next swim.

Tootles :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

First Pool Day

Greetings and Salutations
     So this morning I find myself hitting the snooze way more times that I promised myself I would the night before. If only I could harness the good intentions, thoughts, and determination I have for myself for the next day I would have NO problems with attaining any of my goals. Harness it one day I will. I will mark off this morning as an overall success. I went to the pool and swam for 30 minutes this morning. I hauled my carcass out of bed at 0545, messed around on Facebook, and had a cup of coffee until 0630. I was in the water by 0645. I need goggles. The pool is open at 0600 and I need to be there when it opens. My intention is Monday-Wednesday-Friday and I can mix in 30 minutes of working on my tennis serve. Wish they had a backboard and I think I will find out if one can be donated. My new bathing suit worked great (bought it specifically with lap swimming in mind) and I love it. Looking forward to actually loving it with me in it very soon. I have a new whiteboard week planner and I have some lofty goals to accomplish this week. Today it was: blog (I posted my Monday night blog a day early) tennis and swim. I was so concentrating on getting out of the house and to the pool that I didn't think about bringing my racket. Next time!

Tootles :)

Friday, August 23, 2013


Greetings and Salutations
     So When I was I growing up there was this kid across the street, Justin Leavitt.... He was my childhood soulmate, if that is possible to have... We were always together until he moved away in the 4th grade so his dad could pursue some business venture in Saudi Arabia.... The next time I saw him again I was a senior in High school and he was living in Plantation Florida.....Saw him a few times when he was visiting family (my friend Colleen and I took road trip to Miami that year and I got to see him then too) then he disappeared again....The next time our paths crossed I was in college....Had a chance meeting with his sister at a gym called Lifequest in Columbia....I will never forget how it felt to be in Justin's presence....
     Anyway, this time he was living in Pleasanton, California...He was back home for awhile and we saw each other...We decided I was going to move out to California when I graduated from nursing school but for what ever reason, the last time he was headed back out to Cali after being home, he stopped by my mom's house and gave her a message to give me.... I can't come out to be with him, that he loved me, and that I was something good and he needed to protect me from him, so he wouldn't mess up my life....He never said goodbye to me directly....I never saw or heard from him again....that was around 1991/1992.....
     I have tried to look him up on Facebook and even googled his name...I can see him when I do the search and it lists his brother Dennis, sister Debbie, Mom Peggy...but I feel silly to take it any further to try and pay one of those sites to get his address...would make me feel like a stalker...LOL...He is out there somewhere and over all these years I have never forgotten about him....
     I wonder where he is and if he is happy...Is he married, does he have kids, etc....last night I had the most vivid dream about him...We met, talked, laughed, and felt so happy I finally found him again and didn't want to let him out of my sight.....I had that feeling again that I always did when I was with him....The very last thing I remember from my dream was the word Tennessee and the impression that is where he was living now...I haven't thought about him in several months...My dream was so strong I felt totally compelled to blog about it...Funny I had such a vivid dream, full of detail, and seemed like it lasted all night.....I hope one day our paths will cross again....

Tootles :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Incorporate Salads Into Your Work Week

This is what my Sunday (or Monday morning sometimes)  looks like when I am getting ready for work week

I like Walnuts/ Pecans for interest

Never forget your utensils again!

Cheerful colors!

Middle container is removable & usually holds dressing..this one has Feta in it

love that it keeps everything separate so when you get ready to eat it, it isn't mushy!

Prepared and ready for work week. Absolutely no excuse not to eat a great salad every day!

This Morning Was A Bust

Greetings and Salutations
     Well...I was more wiped out yesterday and I thought...slept in until 0805 and I hardly ever do that especially on a weekday! Oh well....so I will have time to prepare salads for the week and I have 2 items I never got to on my Sunday list but all in all I feel good about what I got done...Life is never ending in the "things to do" and I will get around to it all...
     Here is the thing I am attempting to change...My ENTIRE lifestyle....It used to be comprised of work, sleep, TV, and drinking with my friends basically...I didn't have to worry about keeping the house picked up because I did that on my days off when I was just sitting around wishing I was more active because if I wasn't doing the above list, I wasn't doing anything..Now I want to bike, play tennis, yoga, get regular acupuncture, swim, have a full social life with friends beyond the bar, try kayaking and stand up paddle boarding, cooking lunches and dinners for the week, and keep my blogs up....
     I have to change alot of my habits so I can stay on the go and keep a tight ship around my house...Clean, tidy, and know where and what I am doing each day....I am an organized person, but not used to being so active..I keep a clean house but suck at picking up after myself...My focus is having a full life...To me that isn't concentrating on a dieting or weight loss.....Change your habits of activity and the rest will come....Layer it like a cake and it will stick...Get moving first and diet changes start to come along the way as you go...Once you master routine physical activity then food change is the next natural progression to success...

Tootles :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good Dent In My Sunday List

Greetings and Salutations
     Well..lets get down to it..here is how my day unfolded and what came off, went on, and remains on my "To Do" list: up at 0529 (am)..putzed around on the net for way longer than I should have or intended to but in the end was beneficial...Ironed and put away uniforms..Went for meetup bike ride at 0900-- leader dude was a no show..waited 20 minutes..biked back home, threw bike in truck and proceeded immediately to Hampton Park where I biked 10 miles (had already biked 4 miles to/from and around a neighborhood) so I got to log in 14 total biking miles today (that rocked) then I hit a corner in the office/back room and made the smallest but surest of progress in that disaster zone..
     Then I went over to step-dad's and dropped off some hangers and helped him get up and running on Facebook (long story LOL) and talked so that took up about 2 hours...then back home, cooked enough of 2 receipts to make 10 meals...sacrificed lawn and bath for dog so I could hang out with my super cool niece which was a no brainer..the dog has smelled this long..whats a few more days :) I am off to bed pretty much on time...And Don't count me out just yet...I still technically have until I walk out the door for work tomorrow morning before I am done with my list and decide how well prepared and organized I feel for my week...So far...so good...Hope your week is great! Happy Monday!!

Tootles  :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sunday Goal List Short and Sweet

Greetings and Salutations
     So tonight here is my quick "To Do List" of things I want to accomplish tomorrow and lets see what all I get done..  (1) Bike 10 miles first thing in the AM.. (2) Grocery store (my nemesis).. (3 and 4) Cook lunches and dinners for the week (fun but still a moderate chore that requires follow through ).. (5) If no rain, cut and weed eat entire yard (no cheating of front only).. (6) Pick ONE corner in my disaster zone of an office/back room and clean it.. (7) Iron uniforms and PUT AWAY (sometimes a serious challenge for me).. (8) Give my dog a bath (she stinks like a dog LOL) (9) end day by 8-830 by reading and (10) lights out by 945pm.. These are my goals and I will blog tomorrow night and let you know what I accomplished and what got left off.. Sundays are either spot on or so far off base I never make it off the couch.. What are your goals for tomorrow?

Tootles :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Salutations From My Alter Ego Blog

Greetings and Salutations
    So this is my alter ego blog.. I have been thinking about a place that I can blog about what ever strikes my fancy at the moment.. A different structure than my current blog.. My success or failure of the day.. Maybe even just a feeling or thought to express in the moment.. And of course what ever else crosses this noggin' of mine.. I am still kinda new to the blogging world.. This October marks my one year anniversary when I put out my first words into the blogosphere and what a trip that was.. It wasn't too terribly long ago I didn't even know what the hell a blog was.. Now I find myself with two.. Funny where time can get you.. About a week ago I went to the library and found several books on creative writing and blogging.. Although it is dated 2004 (the one on blogging) and comes from alittle younger perspective than is applicable to me (such as how to avoid having your blog discovered by your mom or getting into trouble while blogging at work etc) it has given me the courage to be more interactive with and tweak the layout of my blogs.. This is my other blog lifecheerleader.blogspot.com  --in a nutshell is about my journey to change my lifestyle to one that is fully engaged in living, not just existing.. There is some basic financial stuff thrown in for good measure.. Its intent is to make you think about where you are and where you want to be in life..I am amazed at just how much of a challenge it is to have a full life and make choices about how to spend my/your time and effort that feel good and benefit me/you in positive ways..
     This is the current thought on my mind--weekday mornings and why they are so important to me.. First of all I have to say that getting up between 5 am and 6 am has been quite the journey and still is to accomplish on a regular basis.. It is so much easier now than it was when I first started out.. Hell I used to hit the snooze button and try to talk/command myself out of bed, only to wake up with the next alarm cycle and say "screw it" and adjust the alarm for hours more of sleep.. That went on for MONTHS.. I have finally discovered (early mornings) are one of the most under appreciated habits that I know of.. Funny thing is that you can't have an early morning when you go to bed late (imagine that).. So that means success of getting out of bed early begins with discipline and forethought to go to bed at an hour that will actually allow you to get up at 5 or 6 am and have plenty of sleep..
     Here are some of the things I feel in the morning hours before work (as in 3-4 hours before I go in.. I know crazy right? If you only knew)  happy, energized (once I am awake), creative, calm, positive, sensation of starting the day out right, rested, getting a head start on my day, "extra" time in my day, self satisfaction, the feeling of a day within a day.. Here are a few things I have time to actively do: prepare and have time for breakfast every day, exercise (goal is to bike 10 miles before work), yoga, meditate/pray, and plan for after work activities.. These are some of the things that you can feel/do when you utilize the hours before your day officially begins.. Remember it all starts with going to bed early.. That takes practice and organization in and of itself.. Start on one end or the other, your choice.. I used to work night shift and never in my wildest dreams did I figure myself for a day personality.. I am so happy I found myself here.. I have time to think.. I have time to read.. I have time to write.. Listen to music.. Blog.. Clean..The number of hours you chose to have is up to you.. What would your day feel like with consistent sleep and rising early to take on your day? What would you get accomplished in those early morning hours? I think the answer directly reflects what you desire out of life.. When you run on empty consistently, all you have time and energy to do is exist.. I don't know about you, but I am choosing (finally) to do more with my life than just "exist".. A fulfilled life takes hard work and sometimes challenging choices.. What are yours?

Tootles :)